Susanne is a Canadian artist whose paintings are fresh and vibrant, expressive yet peaceful. She has been painting for over 20 years and currently works in three distinct styles: abstract, still life botanicals and contemporary landscape featuring wind turbines. Says Langlois: “I love creating, but now more than ever one of the most important parts of my work is making connections with my audience and my clients through my art”. Susanne has exhibited her work in many group and solo shows throughout Ontario. Her work has been purchased by Queen's University, The Keg Corp., Kedco, Spy Cider House, and numerous private collectors in Canada, the US, Europe and New Zealand.
Education & Courses
- 1993 McGill University, Bachelor of Arts
- 2003 Toronto School of Art -Painting
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2022 Fresh Waves, Artscape Wychwood Barns Gallery, Toronto, ON
- 2021 New Work: Susanne Langlois X Frontenac Club, Kingston, ON
- 2019 New Works, Davies/Kidd Gallery, KGH, Kingston, ON
- 2019 Launch, Susanne Langlois Studio, Kingston, ON
- 2018 Intervention on Nature, Kingston Glass Studio and Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2017 Silent Pull, The Tett Centre Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2017, Wind Profiles, Tri-Art/Art Noise Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2016, 2015, Art After Dark, The Frontenac Club, Kingston, ON
- 2013, Energy, Artscape Wychwood Barns, Toronto, ON
- 2013, Wind Turbines, Pan Chancho, Kingston, ON
- 2012, 2011, Open Studio Show, Kingston, ON
- 2010, Dwell Design Studio, Kingston, ON
- 2006, Czehoski, Toronto, ON
Selected Group Exhibitions:
- 2022 Art for All, The Isabel Bader Centre, Kingston, ON
- 2022 Big Holiday Show, Leslie Grove Gallery, Toronto, ON
- 2022 Kingston Square Foot Show, The Tett Centre, Kingston, ON
- 2021 Kingston School of Art Annual Juried Exhibition, The Window Art Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2021 "Why Paint" Organization of Kingston Women Artists, Art Noise Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2021 Zone 4 Annual Juried Exhibition, Agnes Jamieson Gallery, Minden, ON
- 2020 Unrestricted, OKWA Organization of Kingston Women Artists, The Window Art Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2020 Secluded in Nature, TSBF Annual Exhibition, Virtual
- 2020 KSOA Annual Juried Exhibition, The Window Art Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2019 Kingston School of Art Annual Juried Exhibition, The Window Art Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2019 Restricted: Organization of Kingston Women Artists, The Window Art Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2019 Taylor Statten Bursary Fund, Toronto, ON
- 2019 In Production, Art Noise Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2018 Gender Bias, Organization of Kingston Women Artists OKWA, The Tett Centre Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2015-2019: ARTBOMB, www.artbombdaily.com
- 2014-2018, Ontario: Distilled, Taylor-Statten Bursary Fund Art Show, Toronto, ON
- 2014 Kingston Arts Council Juried Arts Salon, Kingston, ON
- 2013 Crystal Ball Exhibition, Heather Haynes Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2013 Ontario Here and There, Evergreen Brickworks, Toronto
- 2013 Contemporary Landscape Painters, Agnes Etherington Arts Centre Sales & Rental Gallery, Kingston, ON
- 2011,2012 Take pART, ARTA Gallery, Toronto, ON
- 2011 Kingston Arts Council Juried Arts Salon, Kingston, ON
- 2010 In Bloom, Collingwood, ON
- 2008 On the Water's Edge, The Firehall Theatre, Gananoque, ON
Teaching Experience:
- 2016 Artist mentor and instructor: Listen Up! Gryphon Trio, Artistic outreach program, Kingston, ON
- 2017,2018: Artist mentor and instructor: Listen Up! Gryphon Trio, Artistic outreach program, Ottawa, ON
- 2014 Kingston Arts Council Juried Arts Salon: Hughes-Downey Prize
- 2019 Kingston School of Art Annual Juried Exhibition, Honorable Mention
- OKWA-Organization of Kingston Women Artists
- Board member, OKWA
- Profile Kingston, November 2016
- An Artist’s Journey by Mark Bergin
- Decorating your condo with art: An artistic approach to condo living
Deeply involved with her community, Susanne has donated her work and created fundraisers for numerous organizations including KFLA United Way, The Limestone Learning Foundation, War Child Canada, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, Ride to Conquer Cancer, and The Taylor-Statten Camp Bursary Fund and Loving Spoonful. She has volunteered for many years with the KFLA United Way, The Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning and is on the board of the Organization of Kingston Women Artists.